Monday, 30 July 2012

Amazon Kindle - Greg the Tree

Once upon a time back in University, I picked up a Creative Copywriting class lectured by Adrian Jeffery who is the owner of the Mightysmall advertising agency in Edinburgh.  Prior to that, Adrian was also a copywriter for the Leith advertising agency in Edinburgh.  The man knows his stuff, is what I'm saying.  Every week, he would assign the class a creative brief for a client and it was up to us to go away, come up with ideas and then pitch them to him where he either swiftly blasted them out the water or gave them a thumbs up.  You can get easily attached to an idea but you quickly learn to let it go if it doesn't get the okay.

Here's the first idea for a digital/social media campaign for the Amazon Kindle digital book reader.  The brief stressed that the idea had to create a "movement" via Facebook, Flickr, Youtube, Apps, Blogs and so forth, it had to get people to stand up and be proud ambassadors of a new way to read and it had to use social media as mandatory.


Client: The Amazon Kindle Digital Book Reader.
Project: Digital/social media campaign.
Video filmed for TV and to be uploaded to YouTube

We open to a black screen.

Voiceover: "Consider Greg..."

Screen fades from black to an image of an oak tree.  Camera slowly begins zooming in towards the tree.

Voiceover: "Greg has a lot to do.  He has an ecosystem to look after, carbon dioxide to convert and a family of Robins just moved in yesterday.  The last thing he wants is to end up like his brother Mike."

Camera quickly cuts to fresh tree stump, as if a tree had once been there but had just recently been chopped down.

Fades to black once again.

Think of Greg - Kindle logo.


The next step in this would be to give Greg the Tree his own personal Facebook page and Twitter account that people could like, follow and comment on.  Eventually, a remembrance page for Mike the Tree could be set up on Facebook.  The premise of this idea is that printing so many copies of books can be seen as a waste of paper.  As the Kindle can hold thousands of books at once, the intention of this piece of copy is to give the viewer an emotional - albeit humorous -  attachment to a personified tree (and ex-tree) called Greg & Mike.

There's a few more pieces of copy I've got for this creative brief so check back shortly

As always, feel free to comment or drop me an email on

 - Edd

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